You just can’t go wrong with boyfriend jeans it’s a staple in every wardrobe. They are easy to style, can be dressed up or down, and can easily create that effortless look were always after.
fall winter style
It’s still sweater weather!
Ugh, if your like me and you live in a rainy cold state, then you are well aware that sweater weather is still in full effect. Continue reading
Dreary winter days
I can’t say I’m to bummed about this bipolar weather we’ve been having! It’s giving me the opportunity to still wear some of my fabulous Fall/Winter pieces that I seem to have forgotten about! Continue reading
All black and Leather
Who doesn’t love the perfect black outfit, especially when paired with the perfect leather jacket! I don’t know about you guys, but for me you can’t beat the color black! Not even the most beautiful shade of blue for example, will capture my heart like black always does. Continue reading