That vintage denim

S3T2A5936There’s nothing better then owning some good ol denim, whether it’s a good pair of jeans or a jacket the denim trend is here to stay, therefore don’t feel bad about splurging on a good pair of  jeans, or in this case an awesome jacket. Continue reading

Transitional pieces

smaller15Why not re-wear that same skirt you love more then once!  This black leather combination midi skirt is back in my new post, why you may ask? Because I simply can’t get enough that’s why, and there’s no shame in that! Continue reading

Italian Inspired

smaller-4Taking you all from a post on my favorite mini red dress, to now about my favorite midi red dress probably means I have a slight obsession with the color red. Continue reading

Two Tone Denim


Mhmm did I or did I not mention that it’s going to be a high waist summer for me?  Here I go again with another street style post on those good ol high waist shorts…except this time they aren’t just your average style, yes everyone we’re talking two tone denim here! Continue reading

Separately Matched


In honor of my first official post I want to talk to you guys about one of my favorite trends right now, and thats the cropped top.  We all know how trends come and go, but I have a feeling this is one trend that’s here to stay, and I’m definitely not complaining!

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